This is a bit random I know. But my wife's family got a gift card for my last week from Home Depot for my birthday. I'm pretty set on tools not related to turning. And even if I wasn't the call of the vortex is putting those flat work thoughts away for now. The problem is I can't find much at HD that fits my current addiction for turning. Here are the thoughts I've had.

1. Trade/sell the card to buy turning stuff (wouldn't hurt the families feelings)
2. A grinder, but all HD carries are high speed
3. Oneway chuck, but the one on sale is for 1-1/4" threads not the 1" on my delta and I prefer the talon over the lever tightened one
4. Wood and parts to build a turning cart, but my half garage shop is out of room already the lathe lives on my outfeed table/wood kiln
5. Ridgid bandsaw... meh not impressed with reviews and would prefer a nicer grizzly so the green matches my other griz equipment
6. A chain saw - I hear I'll be needing this soon
7. A few gallons of DNA for dipping blanks in

Right now I am torn between trying to trade the card to get a low speed grinder+wolverine jig or a chainsaw and some dna. Are there any hidden gems at HD or on their website I'm missing?