Last winter my prized Stanley thermos got a little smashed "unusable" so I went to Target and bought a new one..... All well and good for about a month, I got ready to pour a cup of coffee and darn............... cold coffee...... Must have lost the vacuum, so I call Stanley, get a call center in a foreign country that shall remain up to your speculation, and after 15 minutes of a slight language barrier I have a new one on the way... Happy customer, Right??? I march right back down to Target and buy a widemouth Stanley for soups and stews, to show a little support for good customer service..... More to this story soon.....But when it gets here it has the same problem, pour hot coffee in it and within 5 minutes the outside of the bottle is getting very warm..... So I call Stanley back and explain the situation and the new person says... REALLY??? IS THAT WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON??? So I give up on getting a replacement for the replacement and buy a Thermos brand made by Nissan ...... It is working fine so far. but now the rest of the story, my wide mouth Stanley has lost its vacuum too... And Stanley wont send a replacement for it..... So I bought a Thermos "Nissan" to replace it with. Well today I got to work and cold stew.......... All of these have been made of stainless steel and all but one have failed... Bad luck I guess, I'll call Thermos and try for a replacement, But the question I have is, is this typical for new stainless bottles? Does anyone have any experience with the glass bottles and how do they compare to stainless for heat retention and durability. Im fairly gentle on them except for the one that got smashed.... Any other manufactures out there???

