I think I just had an epiphany about my next woodworking project - building a Lutyen's Garden Bench. This has been on my "someday" list for a long time. A turn of events in a friends life tells me this is probably the time to do it.

Edward Lutyen's was a British architect and designer who built this famous bench design over a century ago. If you look up "Lutyen's Bench" you will find dozens available for sale, from less expensive woods for $150 to Teak for $900 and more. I would like to build one from the plans sold by American Furniture Design Co. I expect to build it from White Oak and finish it with Epiphanes Marine Varnish.

I would like to invite any others to do a build-along with me. The plans I'll use cost $16.95. The Fine Woodworking article may be enough for some people to build from, but the American Furniture Design plans are more complete.

Let me know if you are interested. I can't even buy the wood until the beginning of the year when I can take a friend's truck to my favorite lumber yard, so there is time to order the plans and start together.
