Quote Originally Posted by Ole Anderson View Post
Thank you. Yes, I have seen the "dust blower" analogy applied both to ambient air cleaners and to older bag style dust collectors. Maybe we ought to start referring to what we are speaking of as a "dust management system" that would include respirators, dust collection systems, machine "hoods", ambient air cleaners, shop vacs and the trusty broom and dust pan. Any one of those alone will never provide us with an acceptable dust level as far as our lungs are concerned, you really need every one of those in order to address the problem.
I have thought this for some time but couldn't come up with a term for it, kudos to you for doing so. I think someone should do a Sawstop on the dust recycling industry for that is what most of us do, recycle the fine dust. I reckon someone should lobby the govt to ban any device that does not trap and hold the very finest particles, end of story.