A friend in church was telling me about how his two pit bulls mean so much to him. One of them, 80 pound 'Keelo,' had to be put down due to cancer. As misfortune would have it, that took place on the day of the friend having major surgery. That was a tough visit on the morning of his surgery, that, and the fact I've got two faithful dogs myself, one of them a pit/beagle mix. So, when he told me he was having Keelo cremated, I asked him if I could make an urn for him. We laid him to rest yesterday. Here's what I came up with - a piece of black walnut, the walls are about 1/8" to 3/16" thick, about 5" wide by 3 1/2" tall with just a few coats of spray can lacquer, waxed and buffed. It held the ashes just fine with just a little - and I mean a little - bit of room to spare. Sealed shut with CA.
