Fellow woodworkers,

Minwax brand pigment stains are NOT THAT GOOD!! I've used them, you've used them, we've all had the same problems - poor coverage, inconsistent coverage, not dark enough, slow drying, etc., etc., etc.

Here's what to do.

The next time you want to stain something, go search out a professional finisher's supply house near your home. Search out the senior person there and have a talk with him/her. Find out what products they offer and why they would recommend them over other products. Tell them any problems you might have had with stains before, and tell them you don't want the same problems any more.

Yes, I have several cans of Minwax in the shop. And, every now and again, I pull a few out and use them, especially for smaller projects where I need to mix just a small quantity that need to match an existing color. I've learned to sand projects accordingly when using Minwax (sand rough, with the grain), and I can get OK results with it. (But I still hate it)

There are other products out there that will give your hard-made project a look of professionalism that Minwax just can't produce. It will be amazing to you the first time you use a professional grade stain or dye and see your project come to life instead of being dull and muddy looking.

So, I feel better now.
