I scrounged through my wood pile and found this piece of Russian Olive burl that I'd forgotten about. This bowl ended up about 12 1/2" wide at the widest span, 10 1/2" at the narrow part, and about 4 1/2" tall. It's the first bowl I can remember putting a foot on like this. I like the way it sits the bowl up in the air a little. The wood is pretty soft and punky and has a lot of spots where little pieces just fell out. There's some parts of the edge with bark and some without. It's one of those where you can really feel the grain lines in the wood when you hold it. I put some danish oil on it to pop the color and then sprayed it with rattle can deft semi-gloss. I haven't buffed it yet. My usual crappy photography skills kind of hide how pretty this piece of wood is.
Russian Olive burl bowl 1.jpgRussian Olive burl bowl 2.jpgRussian Olive burl bowl 3.jpgRussian Olive burl bowl 4.jpgRussian Olive burl bowl 5.jpg