I was just sitting here thinking about the "nickel test" and how it is pretty easy to get a machine to pass, honestly most Asian made "light-weight" welded steel machines will pass it no problem straight from the factory with the "shipping bulge" in the belt. It is however pretty hard to get a machine to pass the "dime test" and was contemplating something in between or more informative but short of the serious expense of true test equipment. Then it hit me, the Iphone has all manner of motion sensors built in, thus there MUST be a vibration app... sure enough there are more than one, one I saw was free but the most interesting was stiffly priced at all of 99 cents! http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/iseis...319600048?mt=8

I don't know how well it will work since I don't have an Iphone and my wife is out of town but I have to try this out!!! I mean for 99 cents why not.

So there truely is an app for that, just hope it is sensitive enough to be meaningful.