Our fridge is currently located right next to a wall. There's a passageway, but the part of the wall sticking out limits the door to opening 90 degrees. That's not bad now except that there's some slight damage to the door from hitting the wall. If we go to a side by side fridge a 90 degree limit makes things really tight. Going down the wall from the fridge, there's currently a 21" cabinet, the dishwasher, and the sink.

The fridge space is currently under 33" (makes buying a fridge REAL fun!) In order to fit a 36" fridge opening, I need to go down to a 17" cabinet if I leave the fridge where it is.

I'm considering moving the fridge to be right next to the dishwasher (I'd need a small divider, call it 2", to support the end of the counter) then putting a 15" cabinet on the other side. I'm envisioning something a full 24" deep. Drawers on the bottom, then a cabinet with pullouts from roughly the counter height up to 72" then another cabinet at the top to match the ones over the fridge.

We'd probably use the cabinets for seldom-used items. It would make a great pantry, but we've already got a pantry closet. Changes to the wall are not feasible.

Anyone seen anything like this?