I have a friend that has 3 sisters. He's done a lot for me lately and so as a thank you I offered to turn big bowls for each of his sisters. He thought they would like simple, user bowls and requested Walnut for one of them and my choice for the other 2.

The 1st one is Mesquite, 11 1/4" x 3 1/2" with a couple coats of walnut oil so far. Mesquite really soaks up walnut oil, so it will probably get a few more applications. The blank had a couple of pith cracks running through it, which I filled with CA.

The 2nd one is Walnut which I rough turned a couple of weeks ago, and finished up tonight. It's 11 1/2" x 3 1/4" with a coat of Walnut oil. The pics don't show it well, but it's got a strip of curl running across it and it's got very nice color.
The bottoms on both are still bare, still need to sign them then I'll get them finished up.
I'll start on the 3rd on later this week, as soon as I decide on a blank.

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Thanks for looking!
Comments and critiques are welcome.