This was from a chunk of flame box elder I received from Donny Lawson way back in December. When I opened the box I could see that it had some nice flame and I knew I was going to core it, but I wanted to wait until I'd done a few corings and was more comfortable with the McNaughton. This weekend I decided it was time.

I knew as soon as the blank was roughed that it was going to have some amazing flame and curl, and I was not disappointed. I also found a bark inclusion and a crack that went nearly the entire width of the blank. I filled the thin areas of the crack with CA (I wanted to leave the inclusion open) and it's a good thing I did since the crack also went the entire depth of the blank.

Pics aren't great and the bowls only have a light coat of sanding sealer so far. I'll probably finish them up with either WOP or WTF.
Thanks Donny!

Thanks for looking!
Comments and critiques are welcome.