I've been skulking for awhile now. I've stuck my nose into a couple of threads but have decided to officially come out of the closet. As a short bio: I've been woodworking for about 15 years and am now living in Tucson, Az (a hotbed of many things but not woodworking). I was active in rec.woodworking for several years when I first started, and was one of the original "Galoots" on the Old Tool newsgroup.

I'm quite fortunate in having a spacious shop and a reasonable collection of tools, so I shouldn't be whining. But, for years, I've lusted over those expensive European combination machines. Felder and Knapp are the creme de la creme but Mini-Max has been lurking just below them. They are not only less expensive but include things like the mortising table and mobility device that are extra cost options for the Austrian duo. I got to see, touch and actually cut wood with one (Mini-Max 300 Smart)at the Pomona Woodworking show this spring and I must say I was quite impressed.

I guess my first request is to hear some experiences from people who have lived with these things for awhile. But my other question has to do with available models. The Mini-Max USA websitesite lists: LAB 300 N, 300 Classic, 300 Smart and the 410 Elite. The demonstrator, who said he worked out of LA, told me about a model 350 that they didn't have at the show that had a 14" Planer/Jointer that also used four corner posts for the planer table instead of the single center post. I also visited Eagle Tools booth at Pomona, to look at the Agazzani bandsaws.

When I got back home I double checked the Mini-Max USA website to make sure I didn't miss it, and no there was no model 350. But then I checked the Eagle Tools website and it turns out they sell Mini-Max as well but didn't show any at Pomona (unless they were showing the ones I tried but without identifying themselves as Eagle tools. (Whew that was a mouthful!) Anyway they did list a 300K, 350K and a 410K. Unfortunately they didn't list any prices.

So this gets to the meat of my question: why are people selling a Mini-Max model that Mini-Max USA doen't list? Could there be two importers, or a gray market operation? I'm sure there are some knowledgeable people who can enlighten me.

Thanks to all for a great forum,

John Zimmerman