Hi all,

As a relatively new turner, I started selling at a farmers' market this past summer. Since then, I've sold at a craft show and am in another juried market. For the most part, it's been an enjoyable experience. I've met some interesting people and have received a lot of positive feedback on my work. However, there have been a few moments that have left me scratching my head...

1) I have a nice display rack of bottle stoppers. Next to it is a trivet reading "Friendship Is The Wine of Life." I have an empty bottle with a wine stopper in it. Yet, every single time someone comes up and asks "What are these?"

2) Twice now, someone has come up and asked "Do you sell bottle stoppers?" I reply, gesturing at my display table, "Yes, and pens, ornaments, kaleidoscopes, and boxes." The person then self-righteously asserts "I don't drink" and then walks away....

3) At a craft fair a couple of weekends ago, a pair of sisters (mid-40s) stopped by my table. One of them was really admiring my kaleidoscopes and turned to show her sister. The sister then went on a 3 minute rant about how much she hates kaleidoscopes. I didn't know it was possible for someone to hate kaleidoscopes as much as she does.

This is just a small handful. What have been your weirdest customer interactions?
