Hey folks, I just ended a trip around the eastern half of the country as a Christmas visit to DIL and grandkids in Massachusetts. I needed to be in Lexington, Kentucky on the 30th of December to meet up with a tool manufacturer, and since Mr. Keeton lives near there, I thought if he was availible, we could meet. To my suprise, he agreed and offered to put Deb and me up for the night.
Well, I just have to say that I have never met a more gracious host and hostess as Mr. and Mrs. K. I felt totally at home there. I brought local wood from Tucson to give to John and foolishly thought that that jesture would finally lighten the already overly burdened load on my poor old truck, but he insisted I take as much as I could fit in the bed. ..... My poor old truck was talking to me the whole way home, as in new growling sounds rather than just ordinary road noise.
To make this story short, I'm back in Tucson with no unhappy raod reports other than I had snow all the way from Mass. into Mid Arkansas, and then a couple flurries near El Paso and Las Cruces, New Mexico. As we approached the Arizona state line, I saw sunshine for the first time since we started this trip on the 17th of December..... It's good to be home....... John has the pictures to prove we did meet............ Jerry (in Tucson)