I had to get rid of some glue squeeze-out on several glued-up panels of 1/2" cherry, and thought of David Marks. His favorite finish is tung oil, but one of his favorite hand tools is a card scraper. Then I remember that several years ago, I bought a Woodsmith Scraper Sharpening System at a woodworking show. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but I never even took it out of the box until today.

In just a few minutes, I had the jig mounted on a scrap of wood and clamped to my workbench. I followed the instructions, and within about 5 minutes I had a sharpened card scraper. Thankfully I've seen Marks use one countless times, so I had an idea about the technique. (I can only recall Norm using one once.)

Well, I'm a convert. The scraper was easy to control, though my hands got a little tired. It took care of the squeeze-out in nothing flat. And when it needed resharpening, it only took a lick across the burnishing pin to bring it back. I'm hooked!