(I've only been turning for a month so go easy on me ah?)

I got a bunch of 3" x 3" lumber a couple weeks ago to turn handles. Well, the wood was pine and is too soft. It turned really easy but when I went to drill the holes for the tools, they went way off center. I drilled the hole for a 3/8" spindle gouge but the wood was so soft, I could pound in the big tapered tang of my rough gouge. BUT, the hole was all out of alignment so the tool is all out of whack. Oh well, it is my first.

The handle is 22" long and about 2.25" at its widest. I used Purple, Red, and Yellow liquid Rit dye, then rubbed DNA across the color lines to blend them. Then I used 3 coats of WOP. The Colet(sp) is 1.25" copper pipe connector.