Next weekend I volunteered to give a free demo on Bench Plane basics. Admission - I have never taught anyone anything in woodworking and I have never really used planes in front of others. Any tips from experienced teachers would be appreciated.

I have about 1.5 hours. I plan to cover the very basics, so this will be geared for beginners. I think I will focus on 2 things.
- First, the basic pieces of a plane. I know it is hard to believe that anyone would not know the “frog” from the “tote”.
- Second, bench planes for a power tool shop. That should reach the people in the shop on Saturday, since it is basically a power tool shop. Since I use very few power tools, what should I cover here? Obviously smoothing, but what else do power tool users need most from bench planes?

Thanks for any tips! Oh, if anyone is near Memphis, TN feel free to stop by!

See details of the class here -
