Hello all,

Not really a question here, but I am so giddy with excitement that I have to share.

I will soon be the proud owner of a used Jet 20" bandsaw ($800) and 8" joiner/planer ($500). Approx 2003 vintage, the stuff looks like it's never been used, and includes casters and a number of extra unused blades.

The bummer of it will be that I will need to get these tools out of the seller's above garage loft workshop, then down to my basement. And, will need to install some 230 volt service to my workshop. Oh yeah, and I learned (after buying) that I am going to need to get a dust collector.

From what I gather, my shop vac isn't ideal for this, even if I do put some kind of extra chip collector stage in there.

Guess I better start thinking about what I'm going to make next.... I kept running into the need for these tools while making a china hutch base for my in-laws, so looking forward to another project.
