This was an experiment turned to finish in early February from a slightly bowed piece of walnut.
1 Tall Walnut Vase r.jpg
At the time, I believe the sides could pass the straightedge test. I am guessing the sapwood may have shrunk a bit more than the heartwood which may account for the differing curve between the right and left sides in this view.
2 Tall Walnut Vase r.jpg
After bagging for a couple of months, it was wet sanded with walnut oil to 600.
25.5” / 70 cm tall.
3 Walnut Vase with Oil r.jpg
Looking a little plain,
4 Walnut Vase r.jpg
the lady of the house couldn’t resist adding a few silk flowers.
5 Walnut Vase with Silk Flowers r.jpg
Thoughts and suggestions are always welcome!