Started reading the Paul Sellers blog recently and his teachings are a lot different than a lot of the books, videos, blogs, etc that I've been looking at thus far. For example, bench height, chopping mortises, and sharpening.

As far as sharpening, he doesn't seem to have much use for a micro bevel - which is interesting to me since I just got (but haven't used yet) and Veritas MK II honing jig. So can someone walk me through the pros and cons of rolled bevel ala Sellers, micro bevel, and hollow grinding? I'm hoping it's just so many roads leading to the same destination.


PS This is part of a bigger question I asked about on another forum about shifting through the information provided by so many woodworking 'gurus'.

PSS Hopefully not too divisive a topic; that certainly is not what I'm looking for in asking - quite the opposite.