Along with Russell Eaton I was fortunate to spend three days in Jimmy Clewes shop in Las Vegas. One of the projects was an ash oriental box which I had a near disaster with when I got it home. Last Saturday, I was cleaning out my shop/garage and spilled some red dye I’ve used for Christmas ornaments all over myself, the lathe and the oriental box. Tried to save the box by adding more red dye but couldn’t so I tossed in in the trash. On Sunday, had a flash, went to Lowes and got a propane torch and burned that thing. Then cut the wings off the top because they were lopsided anyway. It started looking good so since I was on a roll and saw some gold stuff in the pieces on Jimmy’s website, went to Michael’s and even though I never did anything like this, put some gold leaf in the box part. The burning gives the wood a very pleasing texture as you can feel as well as see the grain. Finished it off with Renaissance wax.
