Hi All,

First time woodworker here. I'm trying my best to build a dinning table. Was going to start with a bedside table prototype before tackling the full thing.

I was after any advise on tools and process. For the most past I was following a great tutorial on woodgears.ca but for the top I am trying to glue together 50x50mm pieces of 80 year old hardwood (no idea what it could be).

I borrowed an orbital sander, and 80 grit paper to try clean up the splinters and guff on the sides before gluing. But the paper isn't for the orbital sander and hangs loose a little. When I take it too the wood all the grit comes gets worn off within a min. So far I've changed paper 3 times, and got through about 1 miter of 40.

I was going to buy an electric planer to take them back a little. I was thinking of getting a cheap one, as I don't know how much wood working I'll be doing.... Or should I just get better fitting sand paper?

Any advise would be much appreciated.

Also I have basically 0 tools. Recently I purchased about 4 g clamps and 2 nearly 1000mm bar clamps, rafter square, chisel, nice little hand saw. Was intending on rebate joins with doweling. Any other recommended tools or tips for the job are also welcomed.