I have a Sawstop contractors saw with the 36" rails. In my small basement shop, the rails are really too big. I really don't need to rip 36" and if I do, I have a track saw for that.

I considered a) cutting my T-glide rails, and b) buying another fence and rails.

Then I started looking at an Incra Ultra positioner I had lying around for a project I never got around to, and started wondering if I could rig up my own fence system, a la the Incra table saw fence system.

I've got a couple of lengths of the Incra incremental track I could use as rails that also have the saw-tooth pieces. Rigging up something myself would mean I could make my setup a lot smaller, I think, and since I have a lot of the pieces already, I could probably save a bundle.

Seems like in addition to a positioner I would need some extrusion with T-slots to form the rails, and something to hold the positioner in place between the rails. It seems the rub would be figuring out a) how to secure the rails to the saw, and b) how to make a mounting bracket for the positioner.

Anyone done something similar ??