I plan to start work on Wegner's The Chair in earnest after Christmas, when I am on leave from my practice. The day time job is too consuming at present, and with social arrangements there is just not enough time on weekends.

I shall be writing up the build on my website and blogging it on the forums. The idea of sharing dimensions taken from an original chair here has given me several headaches - keeping in mind that this is a chair in production (I am not sure if it is still under copyrite).

I do not see a problem making a copy for oneself. I assume that someone who wishes to sell the chairs commercially will require CNC machines (There are several replicas in the market place, and these are "photocopies" - similar in looks but missing relevant details). My dimensions will not help this group. And anyone who wants to go commercially by hand from the plans, well all I can say is good luck! Consequently, I will assume that the only ones interested in the dimensions (not published plans, per se), will only be building a chair for their own use (in a similar manner to the replica Maloof chair plans that are available).

Let me know your thoughts on this please.

Regards from Perth
