I was asking last month about applying dye and you guys responded with several bits of advice. I used a detail gun and sprayed on alcohol based dye onto curly maple with SUPERB and ASTONISHING results over wiping or brushing it on. I then applied one coat of Watco Natural, and when that dried I took the step you suggested that saved so much time. Namely - applying one coat of Bull's Eye Shellac and then sanding the fuzzies off. Next step is to apply coats of a wiping varnish for the final finish.

Applying that shellac first sealed the wood and varnish build up time was significantly reduced.

I bet it saved me the time of wiping on 4 coats of varnish and waiting overnight for each to dry.

I had to finish the tabletop of this particular project before applying the trim so its not quite ready for prime time, but I'll post pics when ready.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.