Noise in my garage shop is a big issue for me since the neighbors are attached (row house). I try to mitigate the noise issue in part by purchasing quieter tools, and from strategic tool positioning.

I've long thought about various structural strategies for reducing the noise through my shop walls/ceiling. It is currently uninsulated framing. I haven't insulated down there because we do have some knob and tube wiring and I wasn't sure if it's worthwhile to pack some insulation into bays that do not have the wiring for at least SOME effect. How much of a reduction in noise can I really expect with a partial insulation job? Better than nothing? Worth the cost/effort?

Another thing I've thought about is installing acoustic ceiling tiles. How effective are these? Are they difficult to install? Can they be installed on walls? They are more attractive than finishing the ceiling/walls since they are easily removed when you need access to wiring/plumbing etc., which is kind of frequent for me since we're always in a renovation state and most of the house's wiring is accessible from the garage ceiling.

Any experience here would be appreciated. I really need to cut down noise, if only to make myself feel better and less inhibited in my own darn shop.