I'm new here, but a long-time lurker on the Pond. From what I've read (the Pond, the Oak, etc.), seems like the norm for tablesaws is Jet, Delta, Grizzly, and occasionally Powermatic and General (and rarely a combo machine), but I don't recall ever hearing from anyone having a Hammer, Laguna, or Rojek saw. Surely someone must be using one.
I currently have an old Grizzley contractor saw that sits on a cabinet I built and has a home-made sliding table to left, but would like to upgrade to a more powerful cabinet saw in the near future.
After reading the cabinet saw tests in the current Woodworkers Journal, I'm gonna look seriously at the Rojek. I know it seems like a lot of money, $2400 to be exact, but with a sliding table ($300-$400), usable safety features - blade guard, soft-start, great dust collection - both below and above the blade ($300-$400), and includes a scoring blade (no clue how much, but it's gotta be over $100), it doesn't seem to be out of line. In fact, sounds like a bargain.
How much money do you have invested in your tablesaws (price of saw, additional features added by you, etc.)? I guess I'm trying to convince myself that this saw needs to be on my short list.