Well, we are getting ready for Rita to take a hit on the Texas coast. I live in LaPorte which is on Galveston Bay and predictions are that my house will be flooded out if not outright blown away. I know there are some other Creekers who are around my area as well and I wanted to wish them all the best of luck in the coming days and I sincerely hope that ya'll weather the storm and can make it back to the shop and the Creek in record time. Realistically, I don't think that I will have the same luck - I am preparing for the worst but PRAYING for the best. I hope to evacuate tomorrow night or Thursday morning at the latest - have to work until released. So if we, in this area, don't get back to the Creek for a bit wish us all the best and keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks in advance. See ya'll on the leeward side.

If you want to keep up with what is going on in the Houston area here is one of our local TV stations websites that has some video and news - www.click2houston.com

Hope that I didn't violate the TOS with the link - not intentional and no affiliation.
Again, thanks in advance - Mike Tempel