Ok- my barn-restoration-into-workshop conversion is finally moving along. I have slabs poured on the ground level now.

I'm thinking that as long as I have these pristine slabs-o-concrete here, I might as well put a sealer of some sort on them, to make them easier to cleanup and so that oil won't stain the concrete, etc.

I have about 1800 ft2 to treat. To buy good enviro-seal it costs about $107/5 gallons and I think I'll need 15 gallons. Ouch. Especially since there are several upcoming expenses on the barn, and a couple of auctions I want to go to.

So- I happen to have 55 gallons of old linseed oil. It got me thinking- i wonder what this stuff will do on concrete? I think one problem is that it may take forever to dry, so maybe I could buy some japan dryer.

This is indoor only, by the way. I wonder if the linseed solids would do any good at all for repelling water or oil or other staining stuff? It may be better than nothing (of course, it may be worse too!)

I plan to try some of some broken up chunks of concrete to see what it does.