Made 3 walnut picture frames for some "artwork" that belonged to my grandfather. My cousin has the originals but made copies for the rest of us grandkids and made a few simple walnut frames to house them.

The frames are nothing special, but the story behind the pictures is pretty cool. My grandparents played cards nearly every Saturday night with various friends for as long as I can remember. My grandfather was a farmer and would at times share stories of funny things that happened on the farm. One of gentlemen they played cards with was a pretty good artist and enjoyed drawing cartoons as well, when my grandpa would tell a story so funny that he laughed until he cried, he would go home and "draw" out the story. He brought these three pictures for my grandfather the next time they played cards and they hung in cheap frames in my grandfather's shop until he passed away about 2 years ago. So they are special to my family and that's about it, they will make some nice conversations pieces in my office in our new engineering building when we move in this year.
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