Hi, all...

I recently received a new Domino 500. I was hoping to use the pin stops on the horizontal positioners to make a series of mortises on 3-1/2" centers. I find that 100mm is the most narrow setting. What I need is a series of slats for mission beds... I was going to make these mortises and then center-mortise my slats at each end... essentially using the domino to get accurate alignment with a minimal of cumulative error as I go about making 17 of these mortises in a row.

Now I know I can mark up my board... a line every 3.5", and then I can use the cursor. But has anyone got another suggestion on how to do this? Is there an aftermarket tool that would let me do this easily? Just my luck. If I could stand a 4" distance, I'd be able to use the horizontal positioner... but I have my design that calls for 3.5".

I've seen the mortising positioner from RTS Engineering, but it references (at least to my observation) from the edge of the board... not from the previous mortise.

If someone wants to point out what a doofus I am for not seeing a more obvious way to do this, well... that would be a welcomed reply. :-)
