About four years ago I picked up a used Delta 33-890 12" radial arm saw for my shop (it was made in 1996). I worked on getting it dialed in right away and I never could get a perfect cut; the blade seemed to wander in the cut. I never pursued looking into every probable cause and abandoned my tuning effort soon after. Many other projects and life have taken priority since that time. A couple weeks ago I finally picked up my investigation from where I left off. It turns out that I have some play in three of the four carriage bearings. I figured I'd just order some new ones.

I contacted Delta and found out that they aren't making or selling the bearings any longer. I exhausted my online search for any that might be sitting in inventory without success and contacted several of the vendors that are still listing the part. All these vendors order their parts from Delta when an end-customer places an order. I also talked to a local industrial machine supplier who had no substitutes and no suggestions.

I'm really frustrated with by my lack of options. Right now the tool is pretty much a boat anchor. I'm open to suggestions or ideas anyone might have.

This is what the bearing looks like: