Or does it look like junk? Seller wants 100 euros for it. I'd like a small combo machine I can use for a few years before I move onto something bigger. Things I notice is the home made guard, a plastic pipe (!) and home made fence. It has a 3-phase motor (the plug is 3phase) which is a bonus, infact the motor alone might be somehing I can reuse later in a project (a future project I wanna make is Mathias Wandels bandsaw, it could be real good for that).

There are rust signs here and there so I am wondering if it might be cast iron instead of aluminum, that would be nice if so. I have asked the seller about that but we're in email communication and I am waiting for an answer.

I am wondering if one could make a new protective cover from wood that is then bolted to the suva arm. The homemade fence looks like it only works in 90 degrees, not sure I have actually planned todo anything but use it like that anyway.