Hi guys,

I have been working on my basement bar for some time now. Just got around to making real progress and I'm on to finishing. I hit a snag, I think. I'm seeking your generous advice.

The plan is to dye the wood, seal it with dewaxed shellac (Zinsser Seal Coat) and top coat it with GF High Performance.

I applied my first coat of seal coat last night. It streaked when I first put it on. I just kept going figuring I should worry about it after I let it dry for a bit. After a few hows I added another coat. The wood soaked up the shellac pretty good so I felt it was best to get a little build before sanding for fear I'd cut into the dye.

After 2 coats you can see on the right of this pic what I'm concerned with. The bar top is 2 parts. This only occurred on the one piece and only after the first few brush strokes.

Is this an application error? I had my brush conditioning in mineral spirits prior to the application. Maybe I didn't get enough spirits off of the brush? By the way the brush is a new Wooster Pro China White Bristle.

Should I panic? Because I'm panicking. Lol.

Any insight to what I did wrong and how I can fix this will be MUCH appreciated.

