So I am building a bench...

And I have made my tortoise like way through the decision making process far enough to have decided on a Roubo style bench utilizing Benchcrafted vises. As many are probably aware, their hardware comes with plans for a split top roubo bench. I am intrigued but not sold on the split. I like some of its work holding features, but am concerned that with only the upper rails tying the whole unit together, I am sacrificing long-term rigidness and over-all flatness. (I realize the upper rails qualify for more than an 'only' statement given their size, but I still just want a real, long-term solid and stable solution.) I want a freakin granite foundation (maybe I should actually just go with a granite base

So... what I am toying with is the idea of having what is essentially a solid top with a few long rectangle gaps (or viewed differently, a split top tied together every so often with solid pieces glued right in). I would be throwing out the window the 'ease of construction' and 'ease of moving' benefits of the split and keeping some of the work holding benefits and tool tray benefits. perhaps.

any thoughts?
