As usual before posting I have done a few searches here. This place always has the best power tool information bar none.

I have a different kind of bandsaw blade question. Probably why I really could not find much specific to my usage.

I am just now purchasing a Laguna 14/12. Lots of folks with that one on their watch list with the Rikon and the Grizzly for competition. For a multitude of reasons the 14/12 is the right one for me. However I can definitely see why folks would take the Grizzly first and even the Rikon. If I was actually doing veneer resawing, I think it would be a harder choice for me. That brings me to how I use a bandsaw. I use bandsaws mainly to cut big blocks into smaller blocks. I do no veneer rasawing whatsoever. I am a carver and I use bandsaws to get wood blocks down to the right sizes and shapes. As I continued to grow into a full fledged carver, the thickness of wood that I carve on and the types of wood have changed quite a bit over time. So now I am often cutting on 4-6" thicknesses with the bandsaw. While I often cut basswood, I now have other woods I work with including black walnut and ash....occasionally some of the more oily exotics and harder woods.

So first off, I have never bought any of the Laguna blades for anything. Did not see a particular reason and Laguna stuff can be a little pricy. The 14/12 takes 115" blades. If I stay within Laguna for blades, I would think a 1/4" x 6 tpi. Proforce would be one choice that I would use for just about all thicknesses of basswood and stuff like basswood. Then a 1/4" x 14 tpi Proforce for harder woods, slower going, less saw dust to move off the blade edge. I am figuring 1/4" so that I can cut some turns at a reasonable radius. I might keep my smaller bandsaw, load it with an 1/8" blade and keep it loaded that way for really small radius work that is not too trying for it.

So to be honest, as long as the Proforce blades are not ridiculously overpriced for what they are which would probably send me more to an Olson or something like that for these less than exciting blade sizes I guess I would just get a couple of Proforce blades to start. Olsons are not that much cheaper though. I have experience with the Olson Flexbacks. Not a bad blade. I wonder about cutting more exotics and hardwoods. Often a real resaw blade is recommended in those instances even if not doing veneer resawing. Again within Laguna, I could get something like a 5/8" ProForce....not sure about the TPI for hardwoods at 4-6" thickness if I do that. Can do one of the Laguna 5/8" Sheer Force resaw blades or a Resaw King. Many of you are familiar with that blade but again mostly as a veneer resaw blade.

So for the 1/4" blades, does it make sense to get a couple of Laguna blades for simplicity or is the $28 and change they want for those simply way more than I should pay for 115" blades of this type? To me, the price sounds reasonable if they are good blades. If not then Olson or Timberwolf would likely be pretty close in price.

For something for thicker pieces of hardwoods/exotics, should I just stick with Proforce or something like it in a wider blade, something with a 1/2" or 5/8", 12-14 tpi to accommodate the slow going or should I get a resaw blade though not doing any veneer resawing? If I really should get a resaw blade I have to think that a Resaw King would be massive overkill for what I am doing and that even a Woodmaster CT might be overkill, just not massive overkill, especially relative to cost. I am not going to worry that much about radius of turn for cutting the hardwoods/exotics. I just want to make clean, trouble free, safe cuts and I will be a happy camper.

Any recommendations much appreciated especially regarding the thicker exotics/hardwoods.