I don't know about you, but the older I get the less I seem to get done. Yeah...I might be slowing down somewhat physically, but I don't think that is really the problem. It seems that I am just more easily "distracted" these days.

Sometimes I will be in the middle of doing something...and something else will catch my eye that needs to be done, so I'll work on that...until something else catches my eye and...

You get the idea.

Then there are the times when I will be in one room of the house...and remember something that needs to be done in another room in the house...and by the time I get there I've forgotten what I was doing.


Can anybody else relate???

Well...there is good news. I think I have found the cure...

Cold. Yep. Cold.

This morning it is -2F. I had a bunch of stuff that I needed to do outside. So I gathered everything that I needed by the door and I went at it. I did each task systematically, efficiently and QUICKLY. Not ONCE was I distracted. I was absolutely and totally FOCUSED. Not once did my mind even wander. And, not once, did my memory fail as to what I was doing. I got it all done...and in a fraction of the time that it would have taken me in summer.

So...here's my plan...tell me what you think...

I am going to shut off my furnace…and get an electric blanket or something so that only by bed is heated. That way I will schedule my day (while I'm in bed)…and then I will jump out…and do what needs to be done. If my theory is correct and this works, I will be totally focused and oh so very productive.

And then, when everything is done, I will return to my nice warm bed…and I will fall asleep with a smile on my face as I reflect on just how much I was able to accomplish.

Brilliant, I tell you.

I probably should figure out a way to copyright this idea, though.

I also need to figure out a way to talk my wife into it…