Neander-brothers (and sisters),

Commercial real-estate prices must be low out here in the country, because a nearby town sure has a lot of 'antique' (mostly junque) stores. My wife and I will stop in one now and then to poke around, sometimes find interesting stuff. Last fall I picked up an old small wooden plane because it was all there and looked interesting. It was improperly assembled, to me a tell-tale sign of a seller who doesn't know anything about planes. Yep, the iron was in upside-down (bevel up). Once I straightened that out I found other than the blade being snug in the throat everything fit properly, and the wedge is in great shape. So I laid down my $18 and walked out with it.

I'd like to give it a light clean, true up the sole a tad, sharpen it and see how she cuts. But before I do that I feel like I should learn a bit more about it. I don't think any 'collector' would want it, because at some point one side of the wood had a run-in with something caustic and there is some cosmetic damage. Googling on the name on the iron and body don't result in much. The only page I found that seemed to have information on the maker of the iron was in German, and Google Translate is OK, but not great. I'm thinking the iron was made by one firm and the body by another, probably common practice. It has a double iron, which I find interesting, and the iron looks forged to me. There is a very distinctive emblem of two chickens (roosters I suppose) on the iron.

Below are some pictures. Any experts here on European planes? I'd love to know the approximate age, anything about the maker of the body or blade, etc. I figure for $18 if it works at all I got a fair deal, but if someone thinks this is some rare collector thing I shouldn't mess with tell me now before I make it a user.

I don't know much about wooden planes, and nothing about old European planes, and really don't even know what I don't know. So whatever you know, or think you know, lay it on me.

Thanks in advance for any insights.

Top-Side-View.jpgAll the Pieces.jpgSide View - Copy.jpgEnd View.JPGIron Detail.jpg