
I have a Delta 36-725 that I purchased from Lowes. Out of the box, it was about 3 thousandths off which was good. After several major projects I checked it and it was out by 13 thousandths. I don't know if I bumped it or what happened, but I pulled out my A-Line It and started to square things up. After some shifting and moving of things, I am about 2 - 3 thousandths off. Great, right? Nope. Somehow my fence is way out of alignment with the blade.

I tried from the left and right miter slot and both gave similar results--blade run out of 2 - 3 thousandths. Yet, if I line the fence up with the miter slot it is off enough to see it clearly by eye in relationship to the blade. I tried two different blades (one a WWII) and used a Wixey to make sure it was at 90 degrees.

The blade is aligned to both miter slots, but if I line the fence up with the miter slots it's out of whack.

I am relatively new to woodworking and this really has me befuddled.

Any constructive suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
