As I work on my sharpening, I'm considering picking up a finer polishing stone. Here's what I currently have:

400 Super Stone
1000/4000 King double sided
6000 "Ice Bear" King

I only use the superstone if I have some reshaping to do. I use sandpaper on a granit tile if I need coarser (I'm looking into getting a grinder soon as well).

So, I'm looking for feedback on where to go next. 8000 seems like it would be a bit small of a step from the 6k I have now. So, what's a good value in the 10k+ range? Or is my money better spent replacing one of the King stones (which have plenty of life left in them) with a higer grade stone of a similar grit?

The Sigma power 10k or 13k look like promising choices, and with current exchange rates are pretty inexpensive too. But the Shapton 12k seems decent too.
