After many weeks, filling a 20 yard dumpster, lots of cash, and completely tearing up my left knee (you may be aware I had surgery on it last Friday), and much distress over learning how to post pictures, here are the before and after pictures.

I am mildly embarrassed at the slop that had accumulated here---but we know how that is, don't we?

The shop is part of our basement, 20 by 20. All the junk accumulated over the last 9 years (since I started WW)

The tour is left to right around the shop extras @ the end.

This is the first half of before and afters....

thank you for your attentionBefore NNW Corner.jpgAfter NNW Corner.jpgBefore NE Corner.jpgAfter NE Corner.jpgBefore East Wall.jpgAfter East Wall.jpgBefore South Wall.jpgAfter South Wall.jpg