I ordered a couple of HTC PM1000 mobile bases, one for an 18" bandsaw and the other for a 17" drill press. I assembled one to fit the BS and got our son to help me get it in place. Once there, I went to move it and the thing scared me. The wheels were wobbling and looking like they were about to break off. And the tilt of the bandsaw was making me nervous too. It felt like one bad move and the whole thing was going to topple.

Things got worse when I went to set it down. The cam arms snapped back and the machine banged to the ground. When I went to lift it back up, the cam arms wouldn't budge. One eventually bent. So the bases are going back.

Is there a mobile base that's sturdy enough for tall machines that are top heavy? I'd prefer not to have the kind that lift one side to make it mobile. Locking wheels would be fine. And it would have to be able to handle the weight. I think the BS is about 240#.
