Alright, I purchased my first dust collector today. Used Delta 50-850, 1.5 hp, 1200 cfm unit. I'm running it off 115 vac, and figure I can upgrade to a 2hp or 3hp dust collector later if needed. But this will be a good one to get started.

My question is - what next. I'm trying to figure out the easiest way that I can setup a dust collection system. I am not sure how long I will be at my current address, so I don't want to spend a great deal (money or time) on a custom dust collection system that I might not be able to reuse. I figure I'll need to get some adapters to fit the planer, etc. How about running the hoses? Is it practical to have a long hose connected to the dust collector and just move it from machine to machine? Any suggestions on lengths? Where would I purchase such a hose.

Would appreciate any advice on how to get started with dust collection. The simpler the better for right now, and I'll get more complex over time.