I noticed that there is a "2005 Contributor" label appearing under the name of those folks who chipped in to help support SMC.

I'm not sure that's a good idea.

Whether someone chooses to contribute to help support SMC or not is a personal decision. There are folks who choose not to donate and there may be a few who can't right now. I'm not sure it's appropriate to label us as having sent money in or now, especially since it singles out the non-contributing members.

This info could be in people's Public Profile, so if you really want to know if someone contributed, that info would be available. Having our contributor status stand out as clearly as a label under our names strikes me as creating classes within SMC and I don't think we want to go there. I see this as being markedly different than the Moderator label.

I did contribute, so it's not like this is a sour grapes thing on my part.
