Help me understand why I seem to be the only member asking for transparent, periodic updates of how much money was collected through donations and how the funds will be allocated. I am not asking for detailed accountability for every penny collected, but I am asking for a high level breakdown.
When any organization takes in funding from members, or any source, there is a responsibility to publish, in a timely manner, how much was collected and the intentions for spending those funds.
Keith and Jackie Outen, and Aaron Koehl (and anyone else I don't know about) are doing an outstanding job of running/maintaining, and improving this site.
I don't want anyone to think this is a personel attack on Keith, Jackie or anyone else it is not. As a supporting member of this community, I feel we all should have this information.
If I am way off base with my position, I would be happy to be recalibrated (although I don't believe I am).