Quote Originally Posted by ron david View Post
DIY'er is a relatively new term and I don't know if I would apply it to him. we were brought up in an environment I guess of thinking and doing. this link will show what we were raised around. http://forum.woodenboat.com/showthre...p-in-Steveston .I had a fascination with the automobile for about 14 years and at 30 came back to what I have been doing for the last 40 years - woodworking.
in that link is a boat that my brother built in 1970 called the Hell's Gate. he ha d bought just the bare 42' glass hull and did the rest and then in the mid 80's he bought a 55' wooden boat called the "Northern Breeze" and rebuilt her and took her out on halibut.
computers have changed our livesso much now that a lot of these types of skill are going
this is a continuation upon my answer here. it is funny of how we come upon quotations and where we find them. I jusy came upon this in one of the last of Louis L'amour's books called "Haunted Mesa" 1987

"The world is changing fast. When I was a youngster there were still a hundred jobs a man could do who had no education. Most of them have vanished. It's not even a machine world as we knew it. Now it's a computer world, and if you don't have education and the ability to adapt you're out of it. You either get an education or find a place on skid row."

L'amour, Louis. the Haunted Mesa (1987) (Kindle Locations 1958-1960).
