Rehabbed a few planes, fellow swapped some white oak planks for it. Decided to try ad at least make something out of that the fellows five saws are also done.

Ripped a plank or two down to make Stiles and rails. The Boss wanted an enclosed end table, with a shelf and a door.. Top is a 2 board glue up. 7/8" thick, this will be one heavy son-of-a ...gun

Frame & panel for the three sides, two long ones, and a narrow one for the end without a door. Got the frames all miled up, awaiting the raised panels.....oops, better make a few of those
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A Millers Falls No.9 set a bit deep. Going at a diagonal to the grain. A stop line is about 1-3/8" in from each edge. I plane until a scrap block fits all the way into a groove
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Then do the other end. That left the two edges to do. Switched to a longer plane
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the one behind the #9 is a Stanley T-17 No.5-1/2. It worked, but later on, I switched to a #6c T-10. made a few of these panels, and started a glue up
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Workbench is now a clamping bench? There is a jig at the bottomof this mess. Just three boards, but, it holds not only the stiles while I was chopping mortises, it will hold a set up like this until I can get things clamped up. Let one panel set up over night, come back the next day, and do it all over again. Two more raised panels made. had some "leftovers" sitting around. Went to work on them to make a narrow end panel.

Today: Got a second raised panel made for the narrow end panel. I also trimmed the two larger ones. The needed a little fine tuning. Once that was done, I set them aside, hopefully out of my way..
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Ah..yeah. Still have some work to do around that knot. A little bit bigger than ToolChest #1
Clamping bench set up. raised panel #1 turned out to be too long, adjusted that, one edge was too thick..adjusted that. Finally, got things to go together..almost
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This is the "good" end, joints are nice and tight and square...however, up at the top, a gap was sitting there..
Chisel to split off a sliver of oak, sized about right. Cut to length. A dab of Elmers, and two c clamps. There is a filler strip on both sides, clamps are pushing against both. When this mess cures, I can plane the excess flush. Then get to work fine tuning all three panels to work together..

Then, maybe I can figure out a door, and a bottom shelf and it's support. Oh, and, attach a top.

Just playin with oak...been awhile