Sorry about re-posting this but thought after all the time and effort I put into this thing it deserved its own thread. It is some lovely QS Beech that I spent forever trying to find, probably paid too much for the pieces I got but I finally found it. Crazy how scarce beech has become for some unknown reason. Hopefully the hand tool woodworking revolution helps relieve the shortage of good quality beech.

Anyways, this is what I have been working on for the past couple of weekends when I get some shop time. This was completely a hand tool build per Larry's DVD, Matt, and Caleb's advice. Everything seemed to work out wonderfully, especially happy with the hardness of the blade after my cheesy attempt at heat treating. I have made a bunch of test rabbets and the blade is still sharp enough to leave a great surface. This is much better than my first attempt at heat treating.

The conical escapement was another difficult part for me, mostly struggled with laying it out rather than executing it. I suppose it came out ok, not sure what the dimensions of this escapement are supposed to be but looks ok to my eye given my first try.
Rabbet Plane escapement.jpg
unfinished side view.jpg
making a rabbet.jpg

finished side view rabbet.jpg