I've been practicing on some old blue jean material (pants) and not having much success.
What happens is, when the image shows up with enough contrast and detail, I have essentially turned the fibers into dust.

I know this means I've either used too much power or my speed was too slow but I've tried numerous combinations without success. Maybe the material I'm testing on is not ideal, since it's blue jeans that are several years old and had who knows how many washing/drying cycles.

My objective is to get a nicely contrasted almost photographic, but could settle for posterized image on the back of a blue jean jacket. This is going to be donated to a MS fundraiser if I can come up with something that looks good and doesn't fall apart at the first handling or washing.

I may try some practice runs on new blue jean (iron on) patches and see how that goes.
The material won't be exactly the same as the jacket but may give a better idea of what will work.

Any opinions on if my 30W machine should be capable of doing this without turning the fabric to mummy wrappings?