My wife was concerned about my safety while using my table saw. She was aware of the Sawstop and wanted me to purchase one. I was rumbling around on Craig's List and found an almost new, or like new 3 HP rig with a lot of options. The 1st ad I ran across explain that due to a job change he could not take the saw with him as the ad went on to explain. The price was right up there so I decided to pass. A couple of weeks later the same ad was listed along with another ad with the same photos that had a price of $1200. We thought to ourselves that he must of had to get rid of it now. I responded and received a text from someone that explained it was now for sale from a Pawn shop with a number you insert and locate the item on their web site. Sure enough it was there. Very professional web site with chat features and the whole bit. Both my wife and I have been around the block long enough to check the outfit out and it came up clean. I paid them their money as one would normally with a Pawn shop. They guaranteed shipment in 5 days via Fed Ex. 10 days later I tried to check on my purchase and of course no answer. A little looking and I found the same ad several places through out the country on Craig's List and other sites. A little more looking and found 2 Craig's List postings explaining this was a fraud. A little more looking and found a link to another ad via the North Carolina Woodworkers site to another Craig's List ad. And it was connected to someone's name and or profile with a note letting people know it was not his but was fro sale at the link he provided.

I converted every part of my transaction to a PDF form. I also did the same with every thing else I found, including ads and other links. Now we are nobodies dummy and this stuff not only looks good, but checks out good and would be happy to provide all of the documentation to support what we are saying. We have turned this in to the FBI and will with all other agencies that pertain to this.

If they can attach this stuff to another woodworking sites for sale, why not Sawmill Creek?

I did purchase a Saw stop just the same but it cost me a bundle. Of course I don't expect to get my money back, but it thought putting this post out there would stop someone else from purchasing the same saw I bought, and I am sure others did as well. Please keep in mind that due to my wife's position we have the tools to check these things and don't get taken in easily. This scam is the best of the best. How anyone would expect to get away with this for any period of time is beyond me. Nor can I understand how anything so elaborate could be worth the effort and expense required to do something like this with small ticket items for such a short period of time.

I personally am caulking this one up and would not have posted this unless I found the other woodworking site link.
